דלג לתוכן עיקרי
חוזרים והוראות מנכ"ל /  משרד התיירות  / 
פורסם ב-03/05/2016
יש להתחבר בכדי
להוסיף לרשימה

חוזר מנכ"ל Director General Regulation No. 11/2015

The Ministry of Tourism, together with the local Tourism industry, has decided to launch the Decision Makers Hosting Project, in order to increase the incoming tourism to Israel.

Within the framework of these tours, the decision makers from abroad will be exposed to the tourism sites in Israel, will be impressed by the high level of service and the tourism product and will have the opportunity to experience Israel as a unique and intriguing tourism destination; and most important, a safe destination.

This Regulation is in effect immediately.

In accordance to Ministry policy under the leadership of Minister Yariv Levin, we see great importance in support of the private market and in the tourism industry, in order to promote and increase the incoming tourism to Israel.