דלג לתוכן עיקרי
חוזרים והוראות מנכ"ל /  משרד התיירות  /   / #02/2018
פורסם ב-06/08/2018
יש להתחבר בכדי
להוסיף לרשימה

Director General Directive 02/2018

The Israel Ministry of Tourism wishes to encourage direct flights between new destinations and Ben Gurion International Airport (TLV), in the framework of its efforts to promote tourism to Israel.

The Ministry views cooperation with the international tourism industry as invaluable, and the tourism trade professionals as strategic partners in advancing the efforts to increase tourism to Israel.

The Ministry recognizes the potential of Flight Operators to influence tourism traffic, and therefore is interested in encouraging them to open new routes to Israel, and to promote these routes, in order to increase tourism to Israel. For this purpose, the Ministry will participate in the marketing activities of those Flight Operators that will initiate flights from new destinations to Israel's main airport - Ben Gurion International Airport (TLV).

This Directive applies to new flights starting to operate from 1.11.2018 until 31.10.2019.

The execution of this Directive is subject to the availability of proper budget.