דלג לתוכן עיקרי
נהלים והנחיות /  רשות האוכלוסין וההגירה  / אגף מרשם ומעמד  / #5.3.0029
פורסם ב-26/05/2016
יש להתחבר בכדי
להוסיף לרשימה

נוהל ניסויי לטיפול בבקשות למתן אשרת כניסה ורישיון ישיבה ליזמים מחו"ל (חדשנות)

The aim of this Procedure is to regulate the application process for an entry visa, residence permit in Israel and the extension of validity for foreign entrepreneurs who were approved by the authorized entities in the Israel Innovation Authority (hereinafter: “Innovation Authority”) as eligible to be included in the incentive program “Innovation Visas for Foreign Entrepreneurs (Pilot)” (hereinafter: “The Program”). The program provides support to foreign entrepreneurs that wish to implement their entrepreneurial project in Israel in accordance with the principles set forth by the Innovation Authority.

This translation is for informational purposes only and the defining version is the Hebrew version as published on the PIBA website.