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חוזרים והוראות מנכ"ל /  רשות האוכלוסין וההגירה  / מינהל עובדים זרים - גדולה
פורסם ב-26/03/2020
יש להתחבר בכדי
להוסיף לרשימה

Letter to Foreign Caregivers

Dear Workers,

The State of Israel, as other countries in the world, is dealing with the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic and prevention of the spread of the virus in Israel. Over the last few days we have distributed translated copies of the guidelines from the Ministry of Health. We would like to ask you to follow the guidelines.

At the last weeks, Israel has declared a state of emergency and decided on measures to reduce people's presence outside of their homes. These regulations apply to everyone. For your own health and the health of people around you, please avoid leaving your homes as much as possible.

In addition, the Ministry of Health has stated that it is recommended for people over 60 years old and those who suffer from additional medical conditions to avoid leaving their homes or hosting guests. We would like to thank you for your important and essential work in taking care of the elderly population, which you continue to do during these difficult days.

Please follow the guidelines and take care of yourself.

We are wishing you all health.

Foreign Workers Administration

26/03/2020, 14:00